Quick & Easy
Breakfast and brunch

Middle Eastern Salad

All over the Middle East, versions of this salad appear as a vital – almost national – part of their food. It is delicious, and not surprisingly, eaten at almost every meal. Wherever it comes from, I love it, and to avoid diplomatic incident, this is my South-East London version.    

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Gluten Free
  • 4 handfuls of cherry tomatoes  
  • 2 small cucumbers
  • A red or yellow pepper  
  • Half a red onion
  • Pomegranate seeds  
  • 1 fresh chilli (optional),  
  • Parsley, mint, or basil  
  • Half a lemon.  
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

  1. Finely dice all the vegetables, including the lemon.
  2. Finely chop the herbs, if using.
  3. Put it all in a bowl. Add salt, pepper and the olive oil, and mix really well.

Diva notes.

You can make it in a food processor using the pulse button. It is slightly more like a salsa, but it is MUCH quicker and very good.


You can zest the lemon with a microplane grater and juice the lemon, but I rather like the slightly rougher texture you get if you dice the whole thing, and it somehow makes the lemon juice less overpoweringly acidic.

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